Independent Legal Services

Corporate Law and Commercial Litigation

Over 20 Years’ Post Admission Experience

BA University of Oxford (Law) First Class

Core Recent Experience :

Acting for Seven Network (Operations) Limited against Cricket Australia on high-profile media rights expert determination and litigation leading to successful renegotiation of long-term media rights agreement

Acting for Ares SSG against Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal Limited (an entity backed by a consortium including all of Australia’s big-four lenders and several of its leading mining companies) for recovery of unpaid dividends leading to commercial settlement after hearing and successful disinvestment

Acting for Australian Container Freight Services on successful intervention in A$9bn Asciano Limited scheme of arrangement leading to transformative business impact

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Practice Areas:

Corporate and Commercial Law

Public and private acquisitions Schemes of arrangement Capital raising Private equity Management buy-outs Commercial contracts Due diligence

Foreign Investment

Real Property

Strata disputes Professional fee disputes Encroachment Lease disputes

Commercial Litigation

Preliminary discovery Commercial contract disputes Debt collection Insolvency Expert determination Security of Payment Act determination

Courts and Tribunals Practiced In:

Federal Court of Australia Family Court of Australia NSW Court of Appeal NSW Supreme Court NSW District Court NSW Local Court NCAT NSW LEC